Telephonic Medical Case Management

Our telephonic case management programs are designed as early intervention, short term injury management programs designed specifically to facilitate rapid return to work.

Working in collaborative partnership with the physician, employee, employer, and carrier, our nurse case managers assist in early and appropriate management of medical care and disability for an injured employee.

Immediately upon notification, our expert telephonic case managers work to establish claimant advocacy and ensure that medically appropriate care is provided to claimants while focusing on reducing medical and indemnity costs. All cases are aggressively managed to meet the injured worker’s health needs while promoting quality, cost effective outcomes. Services typically start during the acute phase of the injury and at the beginning of a claim for a period of 30-90 days. Program offerings are customizable to meet our clients industry specific needs and Field Case Manager services may be utilized when on-site intervention is required.

The benefits and cost savings in closing workers’ compensation cases as early as possible are substantial.

  • Reduced medical treatment costs (reduction in number of MD visits, PT, Medications, etc.)
  • Reduction of cost associated with Medical Case Management
  • Reduced Disability payments
  • Reduced loss time from work
  • Reduced TPA costs associated with length of time and work involved in managing cases over time.

The bottom line to “early intervention” is earlier treatment resulting in better medical and return-to-work outcomes.

Early Intervention:

  • Shows the employee they are valued
  • Communicates “they care”
  • Promotes return to work as a positive benefit
  • Speeds recovery
  • Prevents the injured employee from being in a “disabled” syndrome and adjusting to a non-working lifestyle
  • Work is therapeutic
  • Maintains financial income and benefits
  • Promotes employer/employee relationship
  • Reduces extended absence
  • Maximizes return to work outcomes
  • Promotes return to a healthier lifestyle
  • Focuses on the employees “abilities”
  • Prevents lack of communication between the employee/employer which may be construed as “they don’t care about me”
  • Promotes a sense of wellness versus disability
  • Reduces the employers need for temporary workers
  • Minimizes workflow disruptions
  • Reduces disability time approximately 2.7 weeks
  • Reduces out of control medical costs when the employee is returned to a productive lifestyle
  • Reduces chance of extended disabilities due to long absences
  • Reduces litigation costs when a nurse/employee relationship is established

6 Signs It’s Time
When is the right time to consider bringing in a nurse case manager? What difference can a nurse really make in speeding case closure?


Food For Thought
Ask about Lunch & Learn seminars and training workshops in your office! Current topics presented at no cost by our subject matter experts. CEUs available.


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